Who am I?
My name is David Glass, and this is my website.
What do I do?
I write software for a living. I also do it for fun. I also run Newcastle Skeptics and Skeptics in the Pub Online
What is in my GitHub?
These are just a handful of small projects that I started and thought/hoped that other people might find useful. I hope you do too.
Stuff in GitHub, what stuff?
To save you the hassle of going and looking at my list of repositories, here are some of my favourites
- Graphity - Graphity is a .NET Core library that integrates GraphQL and Entity Framework Core with minimal effort. Also available as a Nuget package.
- Wired.Caching - A caching library for .Net projects. Also available as a Nuget package. There's also an extension for specific caching in MVC.
- Wired.Razor - Parsing Razor templates into pure HTML. A wrapper around RazorEngine that takes away some of the pain and boilerplate code.
- Wired.RazorPdf - A partner library to Wired.Razor for transforming Razor templates into PDF output. More pain-removal.
- Mvc.Placeholders - Want to add placeholder images or text to your web application while developing? This might help.
- ChromeStrap - A Chrome extension for Bootstrap 3 developers.